Gordon NCAT Calibration, the 1 thing you can do to save your NCAT

Gordon NCAT Calibration, the 1 thing you can do to save your NCAT

NCAT Calibration A Gordon NCAT Calibration is one of the most reliable calibrations you can get for your lab. It’s not because we think we’re the best at them ( Although we probably are), but because we go above and beyond when it comes to doing our homework. How the NCAT was made The NCAT…

New Series, Old Series, Which NCAT Do I Have?

New Series, Old Series, Which NCAT Do I Have?

If you have ever called in for maintenance, you’ve been asked this question. Do you know which series you have? It’s your typical deer in a headlights situation. There’s always an audible silence before the caller ends up saying, “no” and “how can I find out”? Today, we are going to tell you the difference…

Good NCAT Maintenance: The 10 Simple Commandments, Part 1

Good NCAT Maintenance: The 10 Simple Commandments, Part 1

“NCAT maintenance”, Mike said matter of factly. “What?” I said because his statement came out of nowhere. “Do a blog on NCAT Maintenance, and call it something cool” Mike was looking at me expecting me to completely understand what was going on. “ Call it the 10 commandments of NCAT Maintenance or something like that.”…

Eco-Friendly Glassware Cleaning: The PIE2 Method

Eco-Friendly Glassware Cleaning: The PIE2 Method

Traditional Glassware Cleaning: The Chemical Legacy It’s a basic belief that most of us were taught when we were growing up. Your glassware got dirty, you would grab some type of cleaner, and then you would scrub it until it was clean. This hasn’t changed for centuries. Labs today are no exception. They clean most…

How to install a Setra balance and 3 dangerous things to look out for.

How to install a Setra balance and 3 dangerous things to look out for.

There is a metal box that sits inside of your NCAT Ignition Oven. It’s rectangular and sits directly under the burn chamber. That box is the reason why your oven can perform the burn-off method so accurately, but that same box also has the potential to ruin hours, days, or even months of testing if not installed…

Gyratory mold resurfacing: #1 way to save your budget from destruction.

Gyratory mold resurfacing: #1 way to save your budget from destruction.

The fate of new molds I cannot tell you how many times I go into a lab and see old gyratory molds sitting on shelves doing nothing but collecting dust. At one point in time, someone came in with a gauge and checked out their measurements. Sure enough, the mold didn’t pass and so a…

Calibrations and the 5 deceitful tricks that other companies use

Calibrations and the 5 deceitful tricks that other companies use

I’m going to say something controversial, something that our competitors would completely disagree with, Calibrations are not all the same. We have been in the industry for well over 15 years and during that time we have made a reputation for ourselves regarding service. We are the top service provider in the country for asphalt…

The death of the 208v NCAT Ignition oven thanks to Buck Boost

The death of the 208v NCAT Ignition oven thanks to Buck Boost

The buck boost transformer has existed for many years, but many people don’t understand what this device can do. Most people assume that the power coming into your building limits you on what equipment you can use. I say assume because most of the time there are workarounds to help you out and the 208v…

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Are you looking for more? Give us call for our full catalog.