NCAT Ignition Furnace

The Mastery Series – Chapter 3: Maintaining Your NCAT Ignition Furnace

In the previous chapter, we delved into the origins of the NCAT ignition furnace and the technology and theory that underpin its function. We also discussed the challenges faced during its design and the journey from concept to implementation. In this chapter, we will attempt to build an ignition furnace together from scratch. We’ll be…

Artist Rendering of an NCAT Ignition Oven

The Mastery Series – Chapter 2: Introducing The NCAT Ignition Oven

Almost every lab in the country has an ignition oven. Sure, there are some standouts; some states require extractions with solvents, but for the most part, ignition is king. But how did this become the standard? Why did everyone switch from extractions to ignition seemingly overnight? What even is an ignition oven anyway? In today’s…

Your NCAT Basket Could Be Causing Your Long Burn Times

Your NCAT Basket Could Be Causing Your Long Burn Times

Many of you might remember when the square-designed NCAT baskets were the only baskets available. This was before the angled cornered baskets became the standard thanks to some clever marketing and adoption of the asphalt industry.  Well, in true Gordon Technical fashion, we have revisited the original design, and are surprised by the results. Warping…

NCAT Heating Element

Your NCAT heating elements might not be working properly

You don’t need to know the inner workings of an NCAT ignition furnace to understand how it works. You fill a basket with material, you put that basket into the NCAT, you press start and 20-40 minutes later (hopefully) you pull out the aggregate with all the liquid burnt off. But what do you do…

New Series, Old Series, Which NCAT Do I Have?

New Series, Old Series, Which NCAT Do I Have?

If you have ever called in for maintenance, you’ve been asked this question. Do you know which series you have? It’s your typical deer in a headlights situation. There’s always an audible silence before the caller ends up saying, “no” and “how can I find out”? Today, we are going to tell you the difference…

Good NCAT Maintenance: The 10 Simple Commandments, Part 1

Good NCAT Maintenance: The 10 Simple Commandments, Part 1

“NCAT maintenance”, Mike said matter of factly. “What?” I said because his statement came out of nowhere. “Do a blog on NCAT Maintenance, and call it something cool” Mike was looking at me expecting me to completely understand what was going on. “ Call it the 10 commandments of NCAT Maintenance or something like that.”…

PIE2 Solvent free cleaning oven designed to clean glassware, metal tools, and ceramics

Eco-Friendly Glassware Cleaning: The PIE2 Method

Traditional Glassware Cleaning: The Chemical Legacy It’s a basic belief that most of us were taught when we were growing up. Your glassware got dirty, you would grab some type of cleaner, and then you would scrub it until it was clean. This hasn’t changed for centuries. Labs today are no exception. They clean most…

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